Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today is a new day

Today has been spent trying to find me and the dog Halloween costumes. I have yet to find one for myself, but found a pumpkin outfit for the dog. I was thinking about being Speed Racer. I thought that would be super cool! I have a helmet, but I need a jacket. I guess the neighborhood we live in is a Halloween mecca. The place is full of kids being dropped off by the busload. Interesting, our last house would barely get 3 kids. I am driving a friend in a parade tomorrow, which should be fun. Will I be able to see out of the helmet to drive? Who knows, but I'll find out.

Anyway, enough with the chitter. I've found a superb place for a lot of things here, but I haven't found my favorite restaurants. Although, I am working on it daily. We have good coffee, good bagels (eventhough Mr. Stinky always comes by and ruins my bagel) and a great farmer's market.

I was thinking about using this blog as my platform for talking about what I have been through with my back over the past year and a half. I'm wondering if talking about it could help someone else or maybe I should write about food and eating it. I'm still thinking.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

just thinking...

i am going to start blogging, what the hell! i had a friend who passed away recently and he blogged about his struggles with his disease and it was super informative and expressive. maybe this will be a way to kick start my writing skills again. i am not going to capitalize the first letter of each sentence really because I have gotten lazy in my age, but I really appreciate good grammar and spelling. it is important to me. i think this blog will be about a little bit of everything, my life, my quest in life and where it has taken me this far. i might be of interest to someone out there, who knows. here goes....