Monday, January 4, 2010

i should really think about writing more.

So, I am headed to the east coast this week. Of course, it is super cold there! I am going to help my sister make a huge move, both physically and mentally. I am so glad for her. The question I pose to all of you out there, why don't people move more? Why do they stay in the same place their whole lives? Is it out of comfort, safety, security? Is it because they are scared? Scared to face something different? I have noticed while reconnecting with past friends and classmates a lot of people stay where they were born or where their families live.

A friend of mine was telling me how guilty she feels about taking her daughter away from her family. She doesn't know her cousins or other family members well. Also, she said she would have a built-in babysitter. I guess these things are all true, but at what price? Your sanity and growth as an adult human?

What's more important...sticking around your family or venturing out on your own?